Ministerial Portfolio
Minister for Tourism, Arts & Culture
Samarai- Muruwa Open
Papua New Guinea National Party (PNGNP)
Votes Received
Current: First elected to the 10th National Parliament for the Samarai-Murua Open seat in the 2017 General Elections as a member of the PNG Party, Appointed as Minister for Tourism, Arts & Culture on 20/12/2020 in the Marap-Basil cabinet. 1st term in this Parliament.
Past: Served as Deputy Chairman to Culture & Tourism, Member to the Bi-Partisan Committee on Bougainville and Citizenship Matters Parliamentary Committees between 2017-2020 and assistant Speaker between 01/09/20-December 2020.
Religion: Christianity- Seventh Day Adventist (SDA)
Primary Education: Completed Primary Education from Bwagaoia Primary School,Grade 1-6, (1968-1973)
Secondary Education: Completed Secondary Education from Cameron High School, Grade 7-10, (1974-1977), then Matriculation from UPNG (1978)
Tertiary Education: Completed Tertiary Education from the University of Papua New Guinea (1986)
Achievements: Earned a Bachelor Degree in Agricultural Science from the University of Papua New Guinea.
Parliament Office
C/-National Parliament, PO Parliament House, WAIGANI, NCD 131, Papua New Guinea
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