Sumkar Open
United Labour Party (ULP)
Votes Received
3, 037
Current: First elected to the 10th National Parliament for the Sumkar Open seat in the 2017 General Elections as a member of the PANGU Parti then join the United Labour Party after the formation of the party in 2019, 1st term in this parliament.
Past: Appointed as a member of the Economic Affairs and Public Accounts Committees between September 2017 and June 2019. Served as the Minister for Correctional Services on 07/6/2019-16/11/2020.
Religion: Christian Revival Church (CRC)
Primary Education: Completed his Primary Education from Abisan Primary School, (Grades 1-6).
Secondary Education: Completed his Secondary Education from Ecom High School (Grades 7-10).
Tertiary Education: Completed his Tertiary Education from the Lae University of Technology
Achievements: Obtained a Bachelors Degree in Electrical and Communications Engineering from University of Technology.
Last Occupation Prior to Elections: Managing Director of Capstione Electrical.
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