Bulolo Open
United Labour Party (ULP)
Current: Re-elected to the 10th National Parliament as the member for Bulolo Open Electorate under the PANGU Pati during the 2017 General Elections, affiliated with the United Labour Party Leader as the Party Leader, 3rd term in this Parliament.
Past: First Elected to the 8th National Parliament for the Bulolo Open Electorate in the 2007 General Elections as a People's Progress Party candidate. Resigned from the People's Progress Party effective from 10/01/2011 and subsequently joined the Papua New Guinea Party. Elected Deputy Opposition Leader on 11/5/2011. Parliamentary Committees-Deputy Chairman for Gas and Energy; and a committee member of the Lands and Environment; Culture and Tourism; HIV/AIDS Advocacy, Public Accounts, National Parliament and the Asian Owned and Operated Businesses in PNG between August 2007 and August 2011. Minister for National Planning on 5/8/2011 in the O'Neill-Namah cabinet. Re-elected to the 9th National Parliament for the Bulolo Open Electorate in the 2012 General Elections as a Papua New Guinea Party candidate. Appointed Deputy Opposition Leader following formation of government in August 2012. Resigned membership with Papua New Guinea Party to join the PANGU Pati, then elected as party Leader in August 2014. Moved to join the O'Neill-Abel Cabinet, appointed Minister for Communications, Information Technology and Energy in the O'Neill-Abel Government from August 2017 to April 2019, then Minister for Finance on 17/04/19 after the resignation of Mr James Marape as the Minister for Finance. Minister for National Planning & Monitoring following a reshuffle on 13/05/2019. Re-appointed Minister for Treasury from 07/06/2019 to 26/08/2019 following the formation of the Marape-Steven Cabinet. Minister for National Planning & Monitoring on 27/08/2019 and Deputy Prime Minister on 01/10/2020. Re-appointed Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Commerce and Industry on 24/12/2020 (National Gazette No. 920, 2020) to mid September 2021 following his Tribunal Leadership case. Served as Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Transport and Infrastructure 10/01/2022 (National Gazette No.11, 2022) until his untimely passing in May 2022.
Parliament Office
C/-National Parliament, PO Parliament House, WAIGANI, NCD 131, Papua New Guinea
Ph: +675 3277680
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