Parliament at its rising on the 12th September Adjourned to 26 November 2024 Tuesday 10am


Date Posted: November 08 2022

DAY #1 | Youth Parliament program kicks off

The second annual Youth Parliament sponsored by the European Union, United Nations Development Program (UNDP), and United National Population Fund (UNFPA) in partnership with the Parliamentary Service (PS) was officially opened today at the Parliament House State Function Room.
The program will end this Friday November 11th, 2022 with about 60 youth representatives learning about the roles of Members of Parliament and parliamentary processes this week will conduct a mock Youth Parliament.

Director Civics and Education Morgan Gwangilo welcomed and encouraged the youth to make good use of the opportunity to learn as much as they could, over the next few days, so as to participate effectively in the session as youth parliamentarians.

Ambassador of European Union (EU) to Papua New Guinea, His Excellency Jacques Fradin said EU was committed to promoting youth as active citizens and key policy makers via such avenues as the Youth Parliament.

UNDP Resident Dirk Wagener called on the youth to have a good ‘moral compass’ and be ethical in conduct at all times.



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