Parliament at its Rising on the 21st of March Adjourned to Tuesday 13th May at 2pm

Education and Civics Division

The Education and Civics Division was established to roll out the Parliament's Outreach Program to communities within schools and social groups.

Its vision to see all Papua New Guineans are educated and well informed about the roles, functions and responsibilities of the National Parliament and the Members of Parliament who they elect every five (5) years.

The Director- Education & Civics oversees the Division and reports directly to the office of the Deputy Clerk-Chamber Servcies.


  • Provide necessary and appropriate education programs and activities to school and students
  • Conduct educational awareness on the roles and responsibilities of National Parliament to the communities and people at large, including youths and churches

The Education & Civics Division may perform and exercise any other functions conferred by the Deputy Clerk-Chamber Services, the Deputy Clerk-Corporate & Support Services or by the Clerk, consistent with the above.   


Education and Civic Division
P O Parliament House, WAIGANI, N.C.D. Port Moresby
B-Wing, BLG
Ph:       +675 3277 220

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