Parliament at its Rising on the 3rd December Rose to 11th March 2025

Permanent Committees

The Permanent Committees Division provides procedural and secretarial support, advice and administrative support to the Permanent Parliamentary Committees to perform their constitutional functions.

Among the Division's objectives are the provision of research and procedural and functional advice for Committee Chairs and Members as well as the Committee Secretary.

The Division also provides administrative, secretarial and logistics support to the Parliamentary Committees as well as planning and conducting committee meetings.

Training is another key objective and the Division facilitates and coordinates training programs for Committee Members and Committee Secretariat Staff to ensure the delivery of quality Committee work output.


  • Ensure appointments to and creation of offices are done with relevance  to the Constitution and other relevant Acts of Parliament in consultation with the appropriate Permanent Parliamentary Committee
  • Ensure adherence to Section 37 of the Parliamentary Powers and Privileges Act 1964 during Parliament debates and proceedings 
  • Present each Parliament Sitting declared national emergencies and the justification and operation of emergency laws and whether these should be altered, and any other related matters
  • Ensure proper administration of the Members Retirement Benefits Act 2020 by the Board established thereunder
  • Prepare budget or appropriation for submission to Parliament in consultation with the NEC
  • Report on any public works referred to it by either Parliament or the Minister in line with Public Works Committee Act 1964


Permanent Committees Division 

P O Parliament House, WAIGANI, N.C.D. Port Moresby

A-Wing, A1-30

Ph: +675 3277 224