I am a relative newcomer to Parliament but am very aware of the critical importance of my position as the Clerk of National Parliament. As the Chief Executive Officer of this institution, it is critical that I implement the Speaker’s vision to restore reform and modernise Parliament.
It is a huge responsibility and thus I am grateful to have genuine partners who contribute financial and technical support to achieving our vision.
With the generous financial support from the European Union and the technical support provided by Transparency International (PNG), the Open Parliament Project (OPP) has already made an impact towards modernising and reforming our parliament by introducing electronic reporting systems that the public can use to become more informed about Parliament as a whole and about their own elected Members of Parliament.
This is a huge step forward from a Parliament that has been in the dark ages for ITC for far too long. The website plus the Parliament Performance report on the Open Parliament Project and other communication modalities introduced by the project contribute positively to the vision of the Speaker of Parliament.
I am pleased with the involvement of my staff in the OPP and encourage them to be ready to take full carriage of the innovations as we move towards the end of the project cycle. I also encourage them to devise exit strategies and take full ownership of those innovations.
I commend the three way partnership of the Open Parliament Project and look forward to further strengthening the work of this project in the coming years.
Vela Konivaro
Clerk of the National Parliament of Papua New Guinea
Office of the Clerk
+675 3277443
Second Floor - A Block
Copyright 2025 National Parliament of Papua New Guinea