Parliament at its Rising on the 3rd December Rose to 11th March 2025

First Clerk Assistant

The First Clerk Assistant plays an important role within the Chamber Services Wing, being responsible for the research on and development of Parliamentary practice and procedure.

The Office of the First Clerk Assistant maintains procedural records of Parliament such as Rulings and Precedents.

The First Clerk Assistant also assists the Clerk and Deputy Clerk-Chamber services in ensuring procedures are followed on the Floor of Parliament.

 The Office also assists in the training of Provincial Assembly Clerks on attachement with the Parliamentary Service as well.

The First Clerk Assistant oversees the Bills & Papers and Table Offices and reports to the Deputy Clerk-Chamber Services.


  • Oversee the operations of the Bills and Papers and Table Offices
  • Prepare the National Parliamentary Practice reference text on Parliamentary practice and procedure
  • Research and develop Parliamentary practice and procedure
  • Provide information services on matters of Parliamentary concern
  • Maintain records of rulings, precedents and other procedural records
  • Assist in the training of Provincial Assembly Clerks on attachement


First Clark Assistant
P O Parliament House, WAIGANI, N.C.D, Port Moresby
Ground Floor- A Wing, A1-12
Ph: +675 3277 759