Parliament at its Rising on the 3rd December Rose to 11th March 2025

Bills and Papers Office

The Bills & Papers Office is responsible for the distribution of all documents presented in Parliament to Members and for the safekeeping of these.

Members of Parliament are supplied copies of Parliamentary documents from this Office.

These include Bills, Acts, Amendments, Explanatory Notes, Ministerial Statements, Reports, Minutes of Proceedings, Notice Papers and Question Papers.

All original documents presented to Parliament are also retained and recorded by the Bills & Papers Office for safekeeping.

The Principal Clerk - Bills & Papers oversees the Office and reports to the First Clerk Assistant.


  • Act as a repository and distributor of all documents presented in Parliament to Members
  • Supply Members of Parliament copies of Parliamentary documents such as Bills, Acts, Amendments, Explanatory Notes, Ministerial Statements, Reports, Minutes of Proceedings, Notice Papers, Question Papers and the Daily Program
  • Retain and record all original documents presented to Parliament for safekeeping.


Bills and Papers Office
P O Parliament House, WAIGANI, N.C.D. Port Moresby
Ground Floor- A Wing, A1-4
Ph: +675 3277 472