Parliament at its Rising on the 21st of March Adjourned to Tuesday 13th May at 2pm

Standing Committees

The Standing Committees Division provides procedural and secretarial support and administrative support to the Standing Parliamentary Working Committees to perform their Constitutional functions.

The Division carries out research and provides administrative and clerical support for Members of Parliament and the Working Committees.

Whete necessary, the Division engages outside stakeholders and others such as technical experts for information and advice to further the work of the Standing Committees.

Research and advisory functions make up the bulk of the work done by the Standing Committees Division, which then makes recommendations on related issues through the Working Committees of Parliament.


  • Oversee the overall implementation of the Bougainville Peace Agreement as stipulated in the Constitution and report to Parliament
  • Report to Parliament on proposed constitutional laws and matters referred to it by Parliament before these are debated or as directed by Parliament
  • Consider matters concerning economic affairs and development referred to it by Parliament
  • Examine and report on law and order matters referred to it by Parlaiment and also on such other related matters it considers appropriate
  • Consider, when necessary, reports on all Regulations, By-laws and Orders made or given under an Act and laid on the Table in Parliament
  • Advice the Speaker on the administration of the National Parliament buildings and precincts and its services and facilities
  • Consider, report and make recommendations on whether the rules of procedures set out in the Standing Orders serve the best interests of Parliament and its Members


Standing Committees Division

P O Parliament House, WAIGANI, N.C.D. Port Moresby

A-Wing, A1-30 (Library)

Ph: +675 3277 781

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