Parliament at its Rising on the 21st of March Adjourned to Tuesday 13th May at 2pm

Parliamentary Committees Secretariat

The Committees Secretariat is the administrative arm of the Parliamentary Committees.

All matters relating to the work of Committees at the National Parliament are handled by the Secretariat.

The Secretariat is responsible for ensuring Parliamentary Committees perform their oversight and accountability functions in Parliament effectively.

Under the structure of the Parliamentary Services, the Committees Secretariat is located within the Chamber Services and reports directly to the Office of the First Clerk Assistant, the Deputy Clerk-Chamber Services, the Clerk and the Speaker of Parliament.

The Secretariat is tasked with the responsibilities to provide research, administrative and procedural support to the Parliamentary Committees.


  • Organize meetings, briefings, public hearings, inspections, forums and Committee Travel
  • Conduct or arrange research for Committee inquiries 
  • Provide briefings for public hearings, forums and study tours
  • Draft Committee reports
  • Provide advice on Parliamentary procedures and the conduct of inquiries
  • Act as a contact person for information about the Committee and its work
  • Ensure good working relations with other divisions that support the work of Committees


Parliamentary Committees Secretariat 

P O Parliament House, WAIGANI, N.C.D. Port Moresby

A-Wing, A1-30

Ph: +675 3277 785

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