Parliament at its Rising on the 21st of March Adjourned to Tuesday 13th May at 2pm

Office of the Deputy Clerk

The Chamber Services Wing performs the core function of the Parliamentary Service, which is to deliver effective Chamber Services to the National Parliament.

Under the wing are the Offices of the First Clerk Assistant, which oversees the Bills & Papers and Table Offices, and the Parliamentary Committees Secretariat, which the Permanent Committees and Standing Commmittees Offices report to.

The Sergeant-at-Arms, Hansard, Inter-Parliamentary Relations and Education & Civics Offices also come under the Chamber Services Wing.

The wing also includes a Printing section whose functions evolve around the printing of various Parliamentary publications.

The Deputy Clerk-Chamber Services oversees the wing and reports to the Office of the Clerk.


  • Ensure the proper handling of Bills and advice on motions moved in Parliament
  • Relieve the Clerk in Chamber and act in his absence
  • Ensure the preparation of sitting programs and Minutes of Proceedings for each sitting day
  • Ensure all Parliamentary Committees and Advisory functions are effectively carried out as per their roles and responsibilities 
  • Advice Members of Parliament on Parliamentary procedure and practices


Office of the Deputy Clerk
P O Parliament House, WAIGANI, N.C.D Port Moresby
First Floor- A Wing, A1-29
Ph: +675 327 254

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