Parliament at its Rising on the 21st of March Adjourned to Tuesday 13th May at 2pm

Parliamentary Media Division

The Parliamentary Media Services (PMS) established in 2017 as a Division became fully functional in 2019 and has the following functions and responsibilities under the revised National Parliamentary Service Organisational and Management Structure in 2021:

Provide effective media and communications services to the Office of the Speaker, Office of the Clerk and the Parliamentary Service.

Disseminate information relating to the work of Parliament, Parliamentary Committees and the Parliamentary Service.

Liaise closely and maintain a good working relationship with the mainstream media on matters relating to the work of the National Parliament and the Parliamentary Service.

Report on the proceedings of Parliament and its Committees and ensure that information is available for public consumption.


  • Produce bi-monthly internal newsletter, Tambaran Update
  • Provide media engagement for coverage of Parliament Sessions and Committee inquiries
  • Provide media engagement for live broadcast and live-streaming of Parliament sessions and Committee inquiries
  • Oversee and maintain online outreach and produce information material for public outreach
  • Provide media and communication advice and support to Parliamentary Service special events and programs
  • Establish and maintain media liaisons and communication partnerships with mainstream media both local and international and relevant stakeholders 


Parliamentary Media Division
PO Parliament House, WAIGANI, N.C.D. Port Moresby

A Wing, A2-62

Ph:       +675 3277 419


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