Parliament at its Rising on the 3rd December Rose to 11th March 2025

Special Parliamentary Committee on Health Matters visits East Sepik Provincial Health Facilities

Date Posted: May 24 2023


Special Parliamentary Committee on Health Matters visits East Sepik Provincial Health Facilities

TUESDAY 23.05.2023 | 

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Authorised by Hon. ELIAS KAPAVORE, Chairman of the Special Parliamentary Committee on Health Matters , Member for Pomio.

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The Special Parliamentary Committee on Health Matters is in the East Sepik Province for the next four days to look at the state of Provincial and District level Health facilities.

The committee will also establish whether or not they are providing the required level of services prescribed in the National health services standards.

Chairman Hon. Elias Kapavore, MP Pomio said,” I have given an instruction to the Secretary for Health to get an update from all 22 CEOs in the country, of their performances in their respective status of Provincial Health Authority. We are struggling with many CEOs who are not doing the right things.

We will be compiling a report to present in Parliament of state of Health Care in the country.”

Since visiting the NCD/Central Health facilities like the Port Moresby General Hospital and Gerehu Health Center earlier this year, East Sepik province is the second since then.

He said many Level 5, hospitals can learn from the East Sepik province. Wewak Specialist Hospital was constructed and fully equipped with state of art medical facilities, an fine example of what a modernised hospital is like.

Chairman Hon. Elias Kapavore was quite impressed with the facilities available at the Wewak Specialist Hospital and commended the CEO and the staff for providing a comprehensive report on the hospitals

goals, visions and mission along with fulfilling the policy requirements under the National Health development goals.

He said the hospital is now a catalyst for the provision of Health care facilities as its standards are comparable with international hospital standards.

“There are still many challenges like having the right manpower levels with operational budgets etc, but lets build on the positive team work headed by the Board Chairman Austin, CEO Kaluvia and the directors to strive and provide accessible and quality health care to the people of East Sepik Province. I have noted your corporate plan, your health infrastructure plan and your 2022 Annual Management Report. Only few PHAs are able to privide these reports. East Sepik PHA is among the few performing PHAs in the country' said Mr Kapavore.

The hospital was built by VAMED, at the cost of 210-million and comes complete with important diagnostic facilities such as Mamogram to aid with early detections of breast cancer cells.

It boasts a very comprehensive Antanatal Ward, Labour Ward, Operating Theatres, Post Natal Ward, Gynaecology Ward, Intensive care Unit, a Kitchen to serve restaurant quality meals, an administration block, an Accident and Emergency/Radiology, Out patience, Pathology, Laundry and additional in-patient wards.

The committee will also visit Maprik level 3 hospital, on Wednesday and the Ambunti level 3 hospital on Thursday before retuning to Port Moresby.

The committee will continue its nationwide checks of Health Facilities to get better understanding and to make recommendations to improve Health Services. The committee aims to present its first report to Parliament in the June session.

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