Parliament at its Rising on the 5th of June Adjourned to Tuesday 3rd September at 2pm

Project board plans to set up ‘joint women’s caucus’ in PNG and BHOR parliaments

Date Posted: April 20 2023


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Authorised by Clerk of Parliament Kala Aufa

WEDNESDAY 12.04.2023 | The Project Board of the five-year Parliamentary Partnership (Twinning) Agreement between the National Parliament of Papua New Guinea and the Bougainville House of Representatives (BHOR) is looking at establishing a “Joint Women's Caucus” in 2023 after its first Steering Committee meeting held last month. 

Project Board members Kala Aufa, Clerk of PNG Parliament, Robert Tapi, Clerk of BHOR and Dirk Wagener, United Nation Development Program (UNDP) Resident Representative in PNG met to provide updates of the 2022-2023 implementation phase of the agreement and approve the annual work plan (AWP) for 2023.

Discussions to establish a platform where women from both parliaments can present the interest of women in their respective legislatures was amongst other agendas deliberated on.

Mr Tapi said the BHOR was committed to progressing gender development and Information and Communication Technology (ICT) initiatives as well as fostering the ‘spirit of partnership’.

Mr Aufa said with the proper mechanisms in place, this priority can be implemented.

The UNDP funded project which received about K685,000 for 2022/23 saw the training and the participation of regional Parliamentary Service staff from Fiji, Solomon Islands, PNG and the BHOR in a development workshop to share experiences and best practices. 

The funding has also supported training for BHOR Committees’ chairmen and deputy chairmen, which is a first of its kind.

Project Board members Kala Aufa, Clerk of Parliament, Robert Tapi, Clerk of BHOR and Dirk Wagener, UNDP Resident Representative with Koney Samuel, Secretary for Department of National Planning at the meeting.Photo by Parliamentary Media Service.

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