Parliament at its Rising on the 5th of June Adjourned to Tuesday 3rd September at 2pm

Parliamentary Service observes 51st World Environment Day

Date Posted: June 09 2023



Parliamentary Service observes 51st World Environment Day

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Authorised by Kala Aufa, Clerk of Parliament

WEDNESDAY 7.06.2023 As part of the global campaign to reduce environmental impact issues, the
Parliamentary Service this week joined the rest of the world to observe World Environment Day
(WED) 2023.


Pictured are Parliamentary Service staff and management taking part in the tree planting exercise at the precincts of Parliament House, this week.

This year’s theme “Solutions to Plastic Pollution” focuses on the ban of plastic and plastic products,
which has fast become one of nature’s biggest hazards.
Clerk of Parliament Kala Aufa said WED promotes awareness on environmental issues; most of
which are effects or problems caused by modern development globally.
“Let us take stock of our actions individually and collectively and be responsible citizens,” he said. “Be
part of the solution by protecting our environment for our future generation.”
The Service’s staff and management team took time away from their workstations on the afternoon of
June 5th, 2023 to be part of the tree planting exercise of 68 bottlebrush trees around the precincts of
Parliament House to promote conservation, thus joining this year’s host nation for the day, Cote
d’Ivoire to drive this global campaign.
Apart from this, a general clean-athon was conducted as well as an information and awareness
exhibition set up in the mezzanine of Parliament House which has displays on posters, artwork by
school children and publications on laws that govern environmental pollution.
“A little effort towards saving the environment is better than no effort at all,” he said.


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