Parliament at its Rising on the 5th of June Adjourned to Tuesday 3rd September at 2pm

Indonesian Parliament to build late Sir Michael Somare sculpture to honour his memory

Date Posted: June 15 2023


Indonesian Parliament to build late Sir Michael Somare sculpture to honour his memory

For Immediate Release: Authorised by Kala Aufa, Clerk of Parliament

MONDAY 12.06.2023 | A 12-member delegation from the Indonesian Parliamentary Committee on Inter-Parliamentary Co-operation met with the acting Speaker of Parliament Hon. Koni Iguan, MP and assistant Speaker Hon. Johnson Wapunai, MP at Parliament House for a bilateral meeting last week.

Hon. Putu Rudana, leader of delegation and deputy chairman of the Committee made an announcement during this meeting to fund and construct a bronze sculpture in honour of the late Grand Chief Sir Michael Somare during Papua New Guinea’s 50th Independence Anniversary on September 16th, 2025.

The technical aspect of the project has begun with two artists who will be working on sculpture already in contact with each other and exchanging notes.
According to the sculptors, the project will take about two years to construct and will be worked on in both Bali, Indonesian and Dubai, United Arab Emirates.


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The delegation also presented a draft Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for bilateral co-operation between both parliaments to Hon. Iguan, MP who received it on behalf of PNG Parliament.

The draft MOU highlights five (5) key initiatives which include;
1. Stronger parliamentary cooperation;
2. Stronger alliance through a proposed “Parliamentary Bilateral Co-operation Group”;
3. Capacity-building opportunities, including study exchange programs in universities in both countries;
4. Co-operation to support each other in international forums; and
5. Cross-cultural visits by Members of Parliament (MPs) to promote cultural appreciation.

Both legislatures will review the draft and give their feedback before the finalised MOU is signed in August in Jakarta by Speakers of both parliaments.
Hon. Iguan thanked the delegation for their frequent visits to PNG Parliament and their commitment to foster this important bilateral relationship.
Meanwhile, the President of the Republic of Indonesia will travel to PNG for his third visit next month.

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