Madang Open
Current: Re-elected to the 11th National Parliament in the 2022 National General Election for the Madang Open seat as a Allegiance party candidate, 2nd term in this Parliament.
Religion: Christianity-Roman Catholic
Primary Education: Completed primary education at Madang International Primary School, 1988, Madang Province
Secondary Education: Completed high school at St Brendan's College, Queensland, Australia and Madang Divine Word Institute, 1993
Tertiary Education: Completed tertiary education at Madang Divine Word Institute, 1999, Madang Province
Achievements: Holds a certificate Diploma in Business1(995) and a Bachelors Degree in Accounting (1999) from the Madang Divine Word Institute, Madang Province
Last Occupation Prior to Elections: Employed with KPMG and Kramer Group as a Finance Executive.
Parliament Office
C/-National Parliament PO Parliament House, WAIGANI, NCD 131, Papua New Guinea
Ph: +675 3277549
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