Ministerial Portfolio
Minister for Coffee
Koroba-Lake Kopiago Open
United Resources (UR)
Votes Received
Current: First elected to the 11th National Parliament in the 2022 National General Election for the Koroba-Lake Kopiago Open seat as a URP candidate. Appointed as Chairman of Law and Order on 02/09/2022 under the Marape-Rosso cabinet, a shuffle in the cabinet on the 19/01/2024 and was commissioned as the Minister for Coffee, 1st term in this Parliament.
Religion: Christian
Primary Education: Koroba Primary School
Secondary Education: Koroba High Scool
Tertiary Education: University of Papua New Guinea
Achievements: LM Logohu Medal and CPA Certificate Practicing Accountant
Last Occupation Prior to Elections: Was a CEO of Kumul Petroleum 2019-2020
Parliament Office
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