Parliament at its Rising on the 21st of March Adjourned to Tuesday 13th May at 2pm

Hon. Joseph Dennis Lelang, MP

Joseph Denis Lelang

Ministerial Portfolio
Rural and Economic Development

Kandrian Gloucester Open

People's National Congress (PNC)

Parliamentary Services

Current: Re-elected to the 11th National Parliament in the 2022 National General Election for the Kandrian Gloucester Open seat as a PNC party candidate. Leader of the Opposition wing, a shuffle in the cabinet saw him commissioned as Minister for Rural and Economic Development, 3rd term in this Parliament.


Primary Education: Completed primary education at St. Francis Primary School, 1981, Port Moresby
Secondary Education: Completed High School education at Della Salle, 1985, Port Moresby, then at Passam National High School, 1987
Tertiary Education: Completed tertiary education at the University of Papua New Guinea, 1992, then at the University of Glasgow, 1997, UK

Achievements: Holds a Bachelor of Economics degree from the University of Papua New Guinea in 1993, and a Masters degree in Economics from the University of Glasgow, United Kingdom in 1998.
Last Occupation Prior to Elections: Secretary for the Department of National Planning and Monitoring from 2008 to 2010

Contact Details

Parliament Office
C/-National Parliament PO Parliament House, WAIGANI, NCD 131, Papua New Guinea

Ph: +675 3277631
Fax: +675 3277480

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