Ministerial Portfolio
Rural and Economic Development
Kandrian Gloucester Open
People's National Congress (PNC)
Current: Re-elected to the 11th National Parliament in the 2022 National General Election for the Kandrian Gloucester Open seat as a PNC party candidate. Leader of the Opposition wing, a shuffle in the cabinet saw him commissioned as Minister for Rural and Economic Development, 3rd term in this Parliament.
Primary Education: Completed primary education at St. Francis Primary School, 1981, Port Moresby
Secondary Education: Completed High School education at Della Salle, 1985, Port Moresby, then at Passam National High School, 1987
Tertiary Education: Completed tertiary education at the University of Papua New Guinea, 1992, then at the University of Glasgow, 1997, UK
Achievements: Holds a Bachelor of Economics degree from the University of Papua New Guinea in 1993, and a Masters degree in Economics from the University of Glasgow, United Kingdom in 1998.
Last Occupation Prior to Elections: Secretary for the Department of National Planning and Monitoring from 2008 to 2010
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