Parliament at its Rising on the 3rd December Rose to 11th March 2025

About Us

The Papua New Guinea’s National Parliament occupies a unique place in modern PNG society. It serves a people that are still culturally diverse in very many ways. This in itself provides a major challenge for our legislators. It has been variously referred to as the Parliament of a Thousand Tribes; a unifying institution; a guardian and symbol of sovereignty; and a bastion for people’s democratic rights.

In recognition of these important roles, and their significance to the people of Papua New Guinea, those who are given the privilege and honour to represent their people in the Parliament have to be properly and adequately equipped to understand the process by which the Parliament fulfills these roles.

To do this the Parliament wishes to provide its Members with relevant information, knowledge and guidance in the way it conducts and regulates its business when it meets. All Members must understand its rules, procedures and practice if they are to become effective representatives during their term in Parliament.

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